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Poetry Competition Winner

What is Your Tottenham? by Baaba Nkansah-Asamoah

For some, it's black or white, right or wrong, left or right.

But the reality is that at each end of the spectrum - there’s a box that we’re placed in;

a tight unmovable phenomena we are forced to be subdued under.

No space for categories of grey, an array of illumination extinguished gradually.

In spite of the fact that our existence is beautifully hued in stripes of mosaic chromatism,

tinted by our narratives, seeds sowed into the soil of our ambience.

These brilliant differences make us all who we are, celebrating them launches a collage of

cultures, backgrounds and creativity. That is what my Tottenham is - the body of LAET.

Filled with a kaleidoscope of people, deep mystery, entwined in the veins of our history.

Carrying a legacy in the depth of our bellies, a fountain of knowledge allowing us to be the

people we are called to be.

A dynasty of kings and queens, sixteen to nineteen, in hopes of inspiring, we endeavour to

reflect and uphold the image of the community we are shaping.

I once heard a great man say - “The road to success is not a straight line, instead it’s more

like a squiggly line with many twists and turns” - I must say I have never heard anything

more accurate.

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